Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A Cookbook Diagnosis

Dr. Perle Feldman

Catherine Jarvis put the following link on her facebook page today.  And yes, I have always love cookbooks, as does Perle Feldman. 

I didn't start out wanting to collect them. But one cookbook leads to another and in a lifetime that can mean a lot of cookbooks.

I don't have my own copy of the cookbook referred to in the following article, though I did find a copy of the recipe book at the local thrift store -- $2 a book, the sign said, and one of the books was The Joy of Cooking.  

I bought the book for Bonnie, since I have borrowed it from the library, and knew that just having it in ones' bookshelf is half way to becoming a good cook.

Since I have heard Catherine speak warmly of Perle, maybe even reverently about Perle, I decided to click on the link of the Canadian Healthcare Network to enjoy Perle's memoir called "A Cookbook Diagnosis".  

Well worth the read.


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