Sunday, February 9, 2025

Everyone Loves Mary - 50th Birthday Celebration

 On Saturday, February 8th, 2025, Mary's Ottawa area friends held a EVERYONE LOVES MARY 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. There was no way I was missing that.  Best part was that it was a surprise party.  Naomi, Axel and Nadie organized a dinner and pottery party at one of the local studios where Mary works.  

Here are some photos of Hebe and I after our surprise arrival. It's hard to surprise Mary, but I think we did.  She might have sprung a leak in her eyes, briefly.

Hebe and I brought a few treats from Montreal.  First, Arta's birthday placements. Second lemon squares and Arta's famous Mrs Field's Cookies.  Life just isn't a party without the table setting and cracking out the best dishes. Sugary treats don't hurt.

As each person arrived at the studio, they got a similar greeting to the one we had when we arrived. "I can't believe you are here.  What a surprise.  It's so great to see you."   Someone finally noted, "I thought I was Mary's best friend", to a full room of Mary's best friends.

Here are a few photos of all the EVERYONE LOVES MARY best friends.

Everyone who attended got to make a pottery heart for Mary to hang on a stand in her garden.  Check out some of the creations below.

Of course there was also some "feting" that went on.  I didn't get photos of everyone who gave a roast/toast.  But here are a few images.

I learned a lot of amazing things about Mary from her friends.  Things I already knew about her character, but in story form.  Stories of how Mary's empathy, kindness, perceptiveness, openness, friendliness and joy had touched and changed them.  Wow. EVERYONE REALLY DOES LOVE MARY, with good reason.

Here was my addition to the fete.  5 Haikus for Mary on her 50th Birthday.

Feel free to leave your own Haiku to Mary in the comments.

Welcome to the antique club Mary.  50th is fabulous.

Love Catherine