Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Don't call me honey sweetie


I was convinced that we would go through this honey in a week. We are only half way through and it's been two months. Maybe three!!!

It's a gift from Colleen Keeler.  She has found a special place in my heart in the past five years. I didn't really know her until I began hunting and reached out to her for a room while hunting in years last. Then this year I recalled the story of them having gallons of honey from a local apiary. 

So this post is just to reflect on Colleen. She's really quite a grand person. I'm lucky to have gotten closer to her. 

The world these days is in trouble. I count honey in the"groceries" category and an extra reason that I am so grateful for that gift of honey is that I needed it. I needed it.  I feel like giving her a hug right now. 


  1. Great post! Great reminder of the gift of our relations. Colleen, honey! :-)

  2. I saw a bee buzzing around Glen and Janet's baby blue flowers on the way up their foot path from the lake to their home. When I see bees I think of Mary. Now I will also think of cousin Colleen, and my brother Richard, and my nibling Betty, and hugs, and honey too, of course. Thanks for the visit, Richard.

  3. I do love bees. And I love trying out all the different honeys -- collected at different times in the season when bees are collecting nectar from different flowers in bloom. Naomi loved creamed honey. It is harder to find. The best is when you find creamed honey where they have added cinnamon from it. Ugh. Soooooo delicious.


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