Monday, August 19, 2024

Paris - location, location, location...

two tired travellers leaving the RER at Luxumboug station... Eiffel tower in the distance
I left all the planning for this trip to Steve.  His job was to get the hotels arranged, and to make sure we had a room with a bed large enough for two very tall Canadians (which is not always an easy feat when travelling in Europe).  My job was just to show up on time for the flight.  I managed my job.

We arrived in Paris very early, and very tired (having got up the day before at 4am to make a 6 am flight.   For the first 10 days of this trip Steve booked us into a place in the Sorbonne, right across from the Pantheon  As with most places in Paris, one can see the Eiffel Tower off in the background.

Same place as other photo, but without our faces

out on the street, in front of the hotel, the Pantheon in the background

Steve managed to not only to get a bed big enough for two tall folks (all hail kingsized!) but also to get us a room with a view.  I suspect I am going to be taking a ton of photos out this window, since it also offers such a great view of a changing sky (night and day)

the view in early morning

the view right before we went out for dinner
the view out the window as evening fell

that is the Faculty of Law across from us

Oh yes, he also told me that our hotel is just around the corner from the place that they filmed "Emily in Paris" (yes, we did in fact watch the show together).  As he said, the square with all the scenes around the restaurant are indeed just a block away.

'Emily's house'
sitting on the bench in the square opposite 'Emily's house'

the view of the canopy of trees in the square


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