Antoine Yared as Romeo and
Sara Farb as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet.
Here is a review from the Globe and Mail.
Just reading the review is a joy. If you don't laugh when you read "My heart ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum ba-dummed" in the review, then you have probably forgotten all about iambic pentametre and how hard it was in junior high, but how easy now. And I had forgotten the word ruff, though a quick trip to Wiki refreshed my mind about it.
I can hardly wait to see this production -- at 12:55 in Calgary. How many times can this play be done and not loose its freshness.
More later.
Stacy and I went (Duncan stayed home to play D&D with his crew). A joy to be in the theatre... even though the play did end badly (at least, for the characters...)