Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Richard - Memories from Wyona and Greg

Richard's testimony of the gospel was really important to him. After being abroad, Greg and I moved in with my father for a short time. One morning Richard came knocking on my door at 7 am. He couldn't find Doral to give him a ride to seminary and he asked me to drive him.

The gospel was always an important part of his life.

When our family needed money to purchase a house, after being abroad, Richard had some cash available. He asked me how much I wanted. I told him. He gave it to me, no questions asked. He lent us money on word alone.

That loan helped us through five difficult years.

We will always be grateful to him.

Greg remembers that when his father, Lloyd Bates, passed away, Richard was genuine with his condolences to us. That meant a lot to Greg because Richard was so young to have had that insight.

Greg also remembers that when he went back to university, Richard was there and played racquet ball with him. When Greg played him, Greg felt every bit of his 30 years for Richard could really move.


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