Sunday, June 21, 2020

For Father's Day - #15 Trips to Moose Dome

Moose Mountain
A few times a year we would be taken to Moose Mountain, driven along the old roads that Doral had helped create in the 1930’s and that finally lead up to the cave on the top of the mountain, at least on the journeys that we took there.

A picnic lunch and everyone in the back of a van was all we needed.

As well, Doral took groups of scouts often to the mountains or to the foothills of Alberta. He had a truck and gas.

There was moose meat at home which Wyora made up into goulash, enough to feed 10 or 12 hungry boys, and it was a Saturday, so by the time they arrived back from their trip, our house was clean and ready to receive them.

Food and then pool, billards or snooker.

Doral built cohorts of many men that way, with a van, some gasoline and a Saturday morning's drive. Some he even took hunting with him. Alan LeBaron shot a moose on one of those trips. Doral asked Alan how he did that. Alan said the moose just looked at him, so he shot him. I think Alan felt pretty bad for the moose.


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