Friday, June 26, 2020

Doral Pilling in his own voice

Several years back, I ordered the audio transcript from Doral Pilling's life history (if you want to go back to that old blog report on the process, you can find it here).  Richard Johnson asked me if I had them to hand (after all, in these strange times, we are all spending more time listening to things...)

If anyone wants to listen to Doral's voice, reading his own life history, you can email me and I will give you a link to the folder (googledrive) where I have gathered the audio the files.  I tried uploading them so I could more easily share with others, but have reached the limit of my 'free uploads' on Soundcloud.  So... here is the taster sampler!

Note added by Arta:

I went out and listened to the first 35 minutes of the first tape:
(11 minutes)  Short sketch of Catherine Adams; a good cook, a splendid housekeeper
(13 minutes) Collecting sap from maple trees; kept company with Richard Pilling for five years before marrying him
(14 minutes) knew how to make cheese; owned one ox, one cow and churned butter every day; would put one sheet over the bowls of milk; had only one sunbonnet; her baby's face was sometimes burned to blisters; made cheese with milk from her sister-in-law, Mary; came to Canada with 6 teams of horses and 13 wagons; settled 8 miles south of Cardston at Aetna; Brother Card came to tell her not to be discouraged, she would soon have lots of company; Dec 1903 her husband was paralyzed and she never had one night of sleep after that, only away from him for one night for the birth of 1 grandchild; Richard could not stand to be without her, so Glen Nielson hitched up a wagon and brought Richard back to their house so she could stay there for 5 days and take care of the new baby; they milked 130 cows for 3 years and sent the milk to Cardston to be made into cheese.  She kept some back to make cheese for herself and which she also sold to the police.
(20 minutes) Apostle Taylor dedicated their home; 200 people came to the dedication; Catherine had 4 patriarchal blessings; she had 9 out of 10 living children; she lived in her own home but also lived with all of her children.
(22 minutes) writer describes her as humble, meek, lowly, depreciated her own worth; shrank from publicity, would share her last pound of butter; sent food to her children; was 5 feet tall, 165 pounds with a chest of 42", dark brown eyes; blind for the last few  years of her life, but independent,  until she fell off of a porch and could not walk:  lives for some  years after that; Richard A. would come and help her exercise.
(27) Begins story of Young Dick, ten minutes of which is transcribed; please click here.

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