Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Making dandelion tea

Click this link for How to Make Dandelion Jelly

We have enough dandelions in our yard to make dandelion tea or dandelion jelly.

I am just not convinced that the health benefits of 4 cups of sugar outweigh any nutritional value of the dandelion blossoms. 

Still, if someone wanted to gather an armful of dandelions, our yard would be a good one from which to harvest them. 

That would have been before Mati found out he could remove the plant easily by driving a screw driver down the size of the stem.

So now we have a nice green yard until the next crop of dandelions bloom.



  1. apparently, they also have cancer disrupting possibilities... or so i am told. can't help but think of Ray Bradbury's book "Dandelion Wine". i loved that book. Its description of the beauty of the bottled sunshine is what first made me want to drink!!! :-)

  2. The person sharing their recipe in the link also believes in the health properties of dandelions: you can get Vitamin C, K, A, help with inflammation (according to them), and make dandelion infused massage oil. Being a disbeliever, or more correctly, just a believer in eat your vegetables and fruit for the first, I will have to tell you no dandelion infused massage oil will come out of my cupboard either. I am just grateful to be able to find some coconut oil if you come to me for a massage.

    As to the desire to drink bottled sunshine, I can't help but wish for that myself. Now we are told to stay out of the sunshine as much as possible. Drinking it may be all that is left.

    Oh that Ray Bradbury! He could capture the fantasies of my generation on paper.


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