Monday, July 20, 2020

The New View Courtesy of the CPR

Photo Credit: Mary Johnson   New View Courtesy of the CPR Series
... the new view to the west -- Bastian Mountain volls on to the west ...
I have only known one other time when the CPR crews came along the track and cleaned off the sight line for their trains.

That had to be forty years now.  Maybe more, since now instead of weeks or months getting away from me, even decades can disappear.

Recently the CPR took out the big trees and the underbrush for 50 feet on either side of the track, and maybe a bit more.

That is their job and they know what they are doing.

The debris was chipped and taken away.

So how has that changed anything for us? For one thing, the walk back up from the lake is extremely pleasant now. There is a view of Bastian Mountain that continues west and that is more visible.

hoto Credit: Mary Johnson   New View Courtesy of the CPR Series
... the new growth in front is lusch and green ...
... the scarlet of the fireweed flashes a few metres away ...
For the second thing, the underbrush was cleaned out, so what is there now is the first-year growth which is lots of thimble berries, high stands of fireweed, some Russian thistle, purple clumps of clover – what feels to me like a lovely garden.

There is some mullein, and so many daisies. 

Now part of all of this might be  due to the terrific amount of rain that has fallen as well.

Lots of rain means lots of growth.

hoto Credit: Mary Johnson   New View Courtesy of the CPR Series
... catching the train behind us as it rolls by ...
When I ask how it is down at the lake, people tell me, not much beach and it is well past half of July.

Still, to mark where the water is, someone told me, now half way down the first cement block of the ramp, so that is a pretty good sign that the lake is still full.

On the way up the hill I watched Bonnie try to brace up the Lincoln apple tree.

The bole was bent well over 45 degrees.

I didn’t think she could correct it with just one 2 by 4 plank, but she assured me she has done this many times with Glen and many times with David.

I guess now was the time she chose to do it alone, and she was right.

She could and did do it alone.

hoto Credit: Mary Johnson   New View Courtesy of the CPR Series
... still leaning on that cane ... 
... time to stand up and walk, but I need the cane for balance ..
Glen suggested we think that tree. I could have done it quickly, but I was waiting to show one of the teens how to do it.

Maybe even David since it was his tree.

It is hard to get on the same time schedule as a teen: the same place, the same time, the same amount of desire.

But it happened and the tree will have the best apples ever.

Arguably the best ones on the property though the argument is going to be a weak one against that tree on the westside of Wyona’s house.


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