Friday, February 12, 2021

A Valentine from the Southern Stardust Big Band

Hey to all Pilling cousins,

Did you see the gift from the Southern Stardust Big Band: Takin' a chance on love . sung by the lovely Lurene Bates?  

And I saw Tim at the bottom of the screen with his trombone.

I love this kind of valentine.  

Thanks to the band.



  1. Lurene has a beautiful voice, doesn't she. I heard myself singing along with her about half way through the song. I've never sung with a big band like that before.

  2. So sad! I have to read Arta's blog to know that Lurene and the Stardust Band have put something online. Why did I not know about this? Thank you Arta for sharing!!!

  3. I like reading Facebook to see what Rebecca is doing. I also keep up with your kids, Wyona, -- Marcia, Tonia and Lurene. Her facebook page is how I found about about the band's work online.

    Facebook is better than a family newsletter! Occasionally I see Sarah Wood, or Adam or Stacie, so I've got your family covered as well, Moiya. And that is how I found out Connor's baby will be arriving in August. And I see Sarah Pilling's cute kids as they start school. All good. I can never keep up here on the blog with all of that.


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