Saturday, June 8, 2024

BMO opening. Pre stampede

I learned about the BMO opening day from a friend at work.  I decided to keep the kids busy by hitting the c-train in the morning.  We had to rush a bit because I wasn't up until 9:30 and there was a birthday party to attend at 1:00pm.  Still, down to Victoria Station and back.  It was a bit like stampede.  There were sausage patties, pancakes, orange juice, people dressed up in Cowboy attire, and a troup of 'disney' characters.


  1. Again! Fantastic photos. Loved the magpie conversation. Felt like I was right there at the pancake breakfast and on the c-train. And of course the infrastructure nerd in me is always interesting in municipal development and the form it takes.

  2. that one magpie looked like it was opening its mouth for the dentist! :-). so fun seeing the kids and public structures and space!


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