Sunday, May 29, 2022

Faces of the Holocaust

 I took my little group of five to this show at noon today.

 We were warned at three sperate points in our tour that this was a fifteen or older recommended exhibit. We pressed on.  It was hard but it was worth it.  

Also Miranda chased a rabbit. 

The end. 


  1. Loved the photo of everyone taking a break on the bench. Museum fatigue is a real thing... your brain is working so hard, it gets tired fast and needs breaks. If the show is for 15 and under, I ask myself why there are those little wooden steps on the floor? I can only imagine they are for shorter people to be able to get up to eye level with the photos and really engage with the subjects. Well, now that I write that, of course not only young people are short. People of all ages can be short. My unconscious bias is revealed....

  2. Although the sitting photo seems peaceful, that is the bench at the back of the viewing area for the video. It was horrible to hear the people that you can relate to sharing their horror, their life altering events. That was the hardest place to be in the exhibit. I had to go walk to the bathroom and put a bit of cold water on the old money maker. I'm a bit befuddled about why this isn't a normalized way to raise you children. Put the whole meal on the table, and they can eat what they want and come back for more if they are able to handle it. Thank you Rebecca for taking your children to anything and everything. It helps give me confidence that I'm not damaging my kids. They'll make it. They'll be better for it.

  3. Anything related to the Holocaust is a tough outing. I have been to the Washington DC Holocaust museum twice, the Imperial Royal museum and probably the most interesting the Holocaust museum in Berlin which is actually called the Jewish Museum. I am a total war history geek but some things are very hard to process.


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