Friday, June 24, 2022

It's just a hat.

 I've thought about this hat, and this button often. 

Today is a day of sorrow for me.  Decades ago women marched, they protested, the majority of us as adult voting people in a nation want women to chose what is right for themselves.

I'm not sure what to do.  I want to march.  I want to act.  I want to fight.

If we don't honor our women enough to allow them sovereignty over the body that they live in, then the decision makers have judged women unable to make the right decision.

"allow them sovereignty".  Who is it exactly that decides to allow them and who are 'they' to make that decision.

I don't know what my job is, but I'm ready.


  1. Grieving and raging with you Richard. The fight continues. So grateful for this past, for the photos of Arta, Betty and Alice wearing the hat.

  2. When I zoom in, that is Marcia with Arta in the photo! Love her enthusiastic air punch.

  3. I am missing Arta. How do I know that? I feel a tightness in my chest and throat. The tightness says don't stay quiet, speak the truth, fight for bodily sovereignty. March. Yell. Write. Think. Do what you can where you can to protest injustice.


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