Thursday, April 29, 2021

Photo Essay of the Treleaven - Bates Lot

Text: Wyona Bates
Photo Credits: Moiya Wood
Piles of slash waiting to be burned.

Now the piles have been burnt,

The back hoe is gone.

The lower part of Marcia and Art's lot is raked.

There is even a better view on the roadside because the trees are down on Lot 9 and 10.

Wyona can hardly wait to get out there.

It is going to rain for the next two weeks.  The droplets  have already begun to fall.


  1. How can these photos take my breath away when I get these views often? Perhaps not often enough. I have been taking photos on these kits through the Fall. Will I ever get them posted? Shared? If not, that's okay, because when I take them I am thinking of my cousins who share with me a love of the land and a committment to both shared enjoyment and shared responsibility.

  2. And now the view is even better from Marcia's lot because Glen and Laynie have cleared trees in preparation for what is coming next. Stay tuned!


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