Monday, July 29, 2024

More thrifting... and food, food, food -- Montreal adventures

I got to spend last week with Hebe in Montreal. We had plans to go thrifting and I asked her what her favourite thrift store was.  

Churches was her answer. I agreed with her, but that destination would have to be for another trip.

I had to be more specific with my question....  what is your favourite thrift store in Montreal?  Value Village on Jean Talon was our destination,.

Among other things, Hebe found this super cute sweatshirt that fit her perfectly.

When I went to look at the tag for the price, I noticed it was  Kate Spade shirt.  Hebe is infamous for her eye for designer clothes. "Hebe, I exclaimed, did you know this was a Kate Spade shirt?"  She just gave me a sly grin.

I left with 3 new cookbooks, which I will blog about on the Larch Kitchen Blog.

My first evening in Montreal, we did some meal planning and went to buy groceries. Hebe was interested in making zucchini sticks (thank you air fryer), so that was on the menu for our first evening together as a side for our BBQed burgers.

The day after we went to Value Village, I realized my debit card with missing.  A call over to the store confirmed that I have left it there.  So back for more shopping and more great thrift finds by Hebe.  

In the same little strip mall there is a big Asian grocery store -- one of Hebe's favourite. She wanted to show it to me. We had a great time shopping there.  The produce section was just beautiful. Everything so fresh -- and soooo many kind of beautiful mushrooms. I told her that her aunt Rebecca would be in love with all these mushrooms, to which Hebe replied (with her signature sly grin) -- but how do you know they aren't poisonous?  But her absolute favourite part of the store is a back room behind the meat section where they have all their live fish, and entire fish that are on ice.  We had so much fun checking them all out.  Hebe told me she loves the smell of fish. We deided to get two big salmon steaks cut off a fish right in front of our eyes.  And the next day we BBQed it.  Sooooo delicious.  Hebe said she wants to get the red snapper next time, Eric's favourite.  I told her I wasn't sure I was ready to go for the live fish yet.  I prefer to have someone else harvest and gut it for me.


  1. Thanks for this wonderful report and for spending some time with Hebe in Montreal. Love you.


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