Sunday, July 14, 2024

Catching the Moon

It has been a bit hard to get nightime photos of the moon.   Most days, we can see it in the late afternoon sky, framed in pale blue. Here is what it looked like yesterday afternoon (July 13), while we were down at the lake for a last swim while the sun was sliding behind Bastion Mountain. 

the moon on one side of the lake...

...while the sun was setting on the other side

I do love the moon with that blue background, but it always looks sharper as the sky darkens.  Unfortunately for me, as the sky darkens, that darned moon drops down behind the mountains, and that is that.  

But tonight, 10 minutes standing at the top of the road (5 corners) let me follow the moon as it ended its soujourn in the sky.   Here are some photos (taken with my Canon for closeups!), in the order in which they were taken.

I did try to capture a bit of the 'moonset' in video.  Apologies that it is a bit jiggly. I didn't have a tripod with me, so was just trying to rest the camera against Uncle Dave's truck!  :-)


  1. Wow!!! Those are spectacular moon photos. Just spectacular.

  2. I can`t even believe the zoom power of your camera. Just amazing.

  3. Beautiful.

  4. No wonder so many songs reference the moon. Looking at the moon or photos of the moon just never gets old for me.


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