Monday, July 22, 2024

sunset on a smoky day

Sunday night we did a get a rather glorious sunset.  Yes, the wildfire smoke contributed to the beauty, but there you go.  Here are the photos I caught.

the sun on the water was liquid gold

For fun, here is 9 seconds of the water in video form:

The colour of the sun on the water was amazing.   I kept yelling at the kids to swim over to the left so i could get a photo of them in the gold.  When i was yelling "It's gold!", Alice kept yelling back, "No, its not too cold!" (but then didn't swim over towards me so i could catch a photo of them in it.  :-).  But both Jaimie and Tim humoured me.

Tim and Jaimie in the water!

Still Tim and Jaimie, but with the full background

My hope was to get some good closeups of the sun going down.

trying to fit the full sun in the frame

a bit more distance to capture scale

With the closeups, you could see more clearly some of the clouds wafting between me and the object of my desire (the sun.... admittedly quite a ways away!)

Here are a couple of video clips to round out the experience.


  1. You really captured the "awe" in the sun setting over the lake. Beautiful.

  2. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  3. So so stunning! Breathtaking gold and yellow colours. Thank you for sharing! - Tonia


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