Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Visiting Barcelona with Arta

Eric, Rebecca Rose and I are currently in Barcelona. Eric is attending a medical conferences and Rebecca and I are exploring the town. Who knew that during my 2024 trip to Barcelona, I'd be visiting places with Arta.
I sent a message to Bonnie for a list of things not to miss in Barcelona, and she sent me back the links to all of Arta's blog posts from her trip to Spain in 2010. How did I miss those??? I think I was too busy to read them back in 2010. In fact I'm sure I was too busy. It was Christmas time and I had 3 X ten-year olds at home.
So here I am nearly 15 years later going back to Arta's blog posts, seeing Barcelona through her eyes, and comparing notes. Don't miss reading Arta's Blog post about the dog outside the Picasso museum as it is priceless. I enjoyed reading about her experience and although we didn't get to see doggydoodoo soccer, we did get to see the Picasso reinterpretation of the Valazquez painting, Las Maninas. Here are a few of my favourite paintings from the collection.
This is the final Picasso black and white version Arta references in her blogpost. In the Picasso Museum in Barcelona you can also see the colorful, playful versions of several characters.
And of course, this version with a piano player, with his foot on the famous dog. Wonder if the dog in this painting resembled the one Arta and Bonne saw on the streets of Barcelona?
It's been so much fun visiting Barcelona with Arta.


  1. How fun to get to see those things both now, and with the overlay of 2010! Yes, how fun to have Arta there with you for the visit!

  2. I also got to have a short tour of Barcelona with Arta. We were there for a day and a half before boarding our 10 day Italy cruise with Greg and Wyona. I remember going on a hop-on hop-off bus tour of the City with her. One of our stops was the Gaudi park Guell. We were both eating an apple at the park and when I looked over at Arta, she was not holding her core. I still had mine as I was looking for a garbage can and had not seen one. I (very rudely) accused her of littering. She looked at me and told me she had eaten it. I laughed but also felt very ashamed for trying to shame her. Since that interaction with Arta, I would say I regularly eat my apple cores rather than hold onto the core while waiting for a place to toss it. At work at my desk, I always eat it rather than get up. You never know what new habit you are going to pick up while walking in the Guell park in Barcelona. hahaha


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