Sunday, July 14, 2024

THRIFTING - Memories of Grandma Johnson (Arta)

In early June of 2021, I asked my children to share a few of their favourite memories of my mother, Arta. Hebe and I were looking at that list today and decided we will share those memories over the coming weeks on the blog. One of Hebe's fun memories is of thrifting with Arta. Arta loved to get a good deal and one of the best ways to get a good deal is to find things at the thrift store. One of her favourite thrift stores was Church's in Salmon Arm, B.C. Here is a photo collage from a trip to Churchs with Arta in the summer of 2018. Hebe was ten years old at that time. First stop was to look at the crafting materials. Hebe found a great knitting loom, so Arta took her over to purchase some yarn to go with it.
After a trip to the craft section, Arta took Hebe upstairs to the botique. Hebe loved the beautiful pink outfit on display in the stariwell.
Of course, no boutique is complete without a bridal section. Arta and Hebe went to take a peek at the recycled wedding dresses.
Although the wedding dresses were certainly too big to try on, there was always the evening wear section. Hebe picked out a beautiful sparkly dress and Arta helped her try it on. Although Hebe didn't end up purchasing it, it was certainly fun to try it on.
THRIFTING has become one of Hebe's and my favourite activities. Quite frankly, Hebe is a fabulous thrifter. She finds the cutest things and has a radar for designer fashions. Two of Hebe's most recent thrifting finds were this beautiful black embroidered dress she wore to her graduationa and a fun pink outfit that she ended up wearing to her Prom. Thanks Arta, for instilling a love of thrifting in Hebe. It has been a fun pasttime, and is certainly easier on the budget than shopping at the regular malls.


  1. a big wow to the pink dress and parasol!

  2. Love these memories -- old and new thrifting find photos. I hope Hebe and I find time to go thrifting next week when i get the spend the week in Montreal with her. We`ll post if we find anything fun!

  3. I agree with you, Catherine. Thrift store shopping is a great way to explore interests and save money. I think thrifting requires a good eye and the energy to meander. These are also useful skills for a Costco trip.


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