Wednesday, March 23, 2022

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo...

 We did this a long time ago, but it seems fitting to share this day with everyone.  Mary's group, and my group decided to meet at the zoo a few saturdays ago. 

Now, of course this was a good excuse to get zoo passes.  They make the passes pay for themselves at 3 visits.  So agreeing to meet up at the zoo meant that I could get another year of zoo trips with my kids.  We used the zoo as as destination when betty was 1, or maybe 2.  That was four years now it seems.  It was a good destination to get me to actually take the kids away from the house and leave Miranda with a few hours of no kids during the week.  She was 100% of the hours with kids around for a while.  That's no fun for nobody.

This is us paying for the new memberships and waiting to meet up with the Brooks.

And just inside of the zoo, about to see the penguins.

Penguins, always a favorite.  

Alices little head as she looks at the penguins.

Miranda looking hot.

All three of my babies looking at the penguins.

Alice asked to run off with my phone to capture a picture of the baby penguins.  She got it.

The whole crew as we're together walking over the bow river to the african exhibit for the hippos.

These things.

The kiddies sitting to watch the hippo as it goes a water trip and drinks from a water fountain style hose spraying into the middle of their hippo tank.

I got lots of thumbs up from this one.  Great.

This one doing something cool.

These ones wanting to stand by her while she's being neat.

Trying to get a photo of these darn lions because they were "being like my dog".  Being like chase.

Seeing the whatevers in this exhibit.

Walking around the edge of the zoo after seeing the whatevers.

Seeing the primates, I've never liked this section of the zoo, but other people wanted to see it.  Feels to close to home for me.  They look at me, they know.  Why's that guy get to be out there... he's just like us.

Out of the apes, down to the kids play ground for a snack-i-poo.

The young brooks enjoying the kangaroo at the park area.

I keep trying to catch this one, but he's elusive.

Red pandas and the girls telling me where it is.

Sad unicorn goat, mirandas favorite vampire deer, and betty's snow leopard.  Also, the kids looking at the tigers.  There were not that interesting.

Group photos on stuff before leaving for the day.  Technically we split into two groups and some stayed and some left to plan for dinner and rest.

Photos of hanging out together eating nicks pizza after the day at the zoo.  We went to the zoo, and we're going again!


  1. So fun to go on this adventure with you. Looooved your commentary. I could hear your voice right here at my computer.

  2. And i could remember being at the zoo with my little guys (oh so long ago), and standing at some of those same spots! LOVED IT

  3. You make me want to go to the zoo, and it is not a place I love, not sure why. Loved all the commentary especially the primates!!!!


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