Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Last Word on Creme Brulee

January 6, 2010

At the Shuswap, our Christmas fridge cooled 5 kinds of milk and 2 kinds of cream.

Joaquim drinks lactose-free milk. Duncan needs rice milk. Alex needs goat’s milk. David needs drinks chocolate milk to mask the taste of his night medicine. David and the rest of us drink 2 % white milk s well.

Those of us who can drink any kind of milk, also like to drizzle whipping cream on our apple pie and use a splash of half and half cream in coffee.

As there get to be more and more of us, I envision at least one more fridge: one for milk, one for other beverages, and one for vegetables, -- real food, yummy vegetables.

The man from the goat milk farm called to answer a question Bonnie left on his answering machine over the holidays. Can crème brulee be made from goat’s milk? His answer is that he makes crème brulee and that the only change in the recipe he makes is to thicken it a bit more with corn starch or flour.

He recommends that we keep trying, that we will get it right, for he has been able to do it.

Yeah! Alex? Allergies do not mean deprivation. Are you in for another trial with it?

Now I am left with only one question. Before I go out and buy my own, does anyone have a propane torch that I could use to practice giving that last bit of heat to the sugar topping? I want to perfect my method before I start watching the Canadian Tire flyer to buy my own propane torch.


1 comment:

  1. hahaha! Yea to the man from the goat farm, and yea to Bonnie for calling him in the first place!


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