Sunday, May 30, 2010

BritRail - On the Isle of Wight Ferry

May 31, 2010

Wyona has been planning our trips.

She gives me time off to write on the blog.

This is not an equal division of labor.

It is the way that the trip planning goes best.

She looks at the map and we have gone to either the eastern or western tips of the island.

Tonight she is executing our 3 day trip to the North of Scotland.

Today we took a trip to the Isle of Wight, wanting to pass through Portsmouth and ride on the ferry.

The fare was on one pound fifty, return and the trip took less than 5 minutes.

When we tried to pick up the train for the rest of the ride, we found we had taken the wrong ferry, one to Gosport, a village across the water of a small peninsula, but not a village on the island.

Making mistakes is the best part of our trip.

“Oh why didn’t I take a little more time, instead of following the others from the train who were moving to a sign that said Ferry This Way.”

"I just can't believe we are making so few mistakes.

A return trip to Portsmouth, tickets for a bigger ferry and soon we were on the top deck, the ferry making its way through the water, and boats in full sail around us.

Let your hair down, Arta. We are going to get the maximum benefit from the wind up here and get the best value for our pound.”

Wind in my hair?

On the top of a ferry?

On the way to the Isle of Wight.


That is something I have never done before.

“I did not know until trying to comb my hair afterwards, that the wind has a way of braiding hair that is blowing in a strong breeze.

I could hardly get hold of mine to tie it back up.

The wind creeps up the back of your neck and takes your hair up to the heavens.



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