Thursday, August 1, 2019

The splendor of time in the Shuswap

Fueling up for family game night.
David,  Joaquim, and I were all in the same house this evening, so we played one quick round of a game Doral introduced to us. The cards are showing their wear. It has been a household favorite.

As I prepared the snack, I thought to myself, WWDD. What would Doral do? So I put out every possible option for icecream toppings: fresh peach slices, strawberry jam, BlackBerry compote, sprinkle,  and some chocolate.
A banana split without the banana.

Joaquim won the game, but as they say at Anita and Doral's house, "If you had fun, then you too won." I hope you all had fun today. My fun was enjoying the splendor of the Shuswap, both being in the moment, and reflecting on past summer fun at " the lake."

1 comment:

  1. I like the game of Splendor as well, and I like the extensions since they mix it up a bit. Still the basic game is well worth the investment for someone who wants to know a knew game.

    Duncan doesn't believe in having snacks with games, I noticed. He picks up cards for me so that I don't curl the edges, I noticed. And I heard him tell Alice she couldn't colour on the inside of the lid of one of the boxes -- keeping the whole things is a high value for him. I understand that part about wanting to keep it in pristine condition -- so much fun to open the box as though it had never been played before.


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