Thursday, July 8, 2021

Learning About the Land... Always


So... why is this blog called Larch Haven.  Seems a bit wishy washy and emotional to my liking.  Woow woo, larch are beautiful trees, lets call the blog beautiful tree hideout.  Barf.  Until I analyze and find data of my own.  Everyone else has already got here, I'm sure that I'm late to the party.  But this is what I think I that I know.

We locate ourselves on the north east face of a mountain, and the mountain peak at our back while we swim and play in the summer is called "Larch Hills" mountain peak.

For other (now) important points of information, we are on the Annis Bay, which is on the Salmon "arm".  See Salmon Arm the city....  and to conclude the "salmon arm" is an arm of the Shuswap Lake.

That was information to be ignored or not absorbed when I was told.  Maybe I was told multiple times.  I can't deny that.  I was probably told but today I feel like I need to memorize these markers and names.  

Another name which I assume is correct is the Reineker mountain peak.  On the back of my eyeballs is burned the image.  But as I read and I read, I now think that Reiniker Cr peak is actually Shuswap Mountain.... what!!!

More research is required.  I want to know all of the corners and hideouts.  All of the nooks and crannies.  Don't tell me, I want to learn it myself.  Also, if you tell me I probably won't listen.


  1. I intend to tell you nothing. But I really like having YOU tell me things (especially with images). When I was young, I remember grandpa Doral had a big map of the area up on the wall of the cabin. It must have been an elevation map of sorts, as I have this strong visual image of multiple wavy concentric lines. I wish I had paid more attention to it when I was young. I now rely on you to fill the gaps! :-)

  2. I can't believe I didn't know that name of Larch Hills mountain peak until reading this. I'm embarrassed and excited all at the same time.

  3. I share nothing ... except that your post inspired me to join the Shuswap Trail Alliance for the year. A bargain at $20 a person. Now, to figure out what responsibilities go with that right.

  4. I will not tell you about Bastion mountain, across the lake from us. You will have to discover that mountain's name on your own.


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