Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Starting a new July 1 tradition -- Part 2 -- rocks and water

More reporting on our July 1 excursion to connect with and learn about the land we live on. Our walk alongside and in the West Castle river was amazing -- cautiously navigating steps with water sandals across slime covered rocks, walking with and sometimes against the strong current, feet freezing in the mountain water.  I am proud to say that despite a few uncertain slippy moments, I managed to keep my feet under me for most of the adventure.

What is it that is so compelling about rocks?  How many hours have I spent walking the beach of the Shuswap Lake looking at rocks, picking them up, sometimes throwing them into the water and sometimes carrying them all the way back to the house? And how about finding a dry rock and getting it wet to see how the colours change and intensify.

I absolutely love the way the shock of freezing water feels in and on my body.

Once the feet were fully frozen, and we were at the end of our walk in the river and about the head back to the car... it was time for the full body. This is the point where I slipped.  I had intended to crouch down to my neck in water that was only waist high, but the river current decided I needed to float on my back.

We drove downriver to get to the Castle River Falls.  Leo and I both jumped from the cliff banks into the river below the falls where there were deep pools. The current was super fast, and I am not as young (or in shape) as I used to be.  Two jumps was enough for me, swimming hard to the river edge and finding a place to climb back up out of the river. The photo doesn't show it, but there were a lot of spot to jump and climb out and lots of people along the banks jumping from the cliffs and enjoying cooling off.


  1. Alex would have loved tossing himself into the current with you too! and I love how the rocks look like they have already been tumbled.


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