Friday, November 27, 2009

Mary's First Blog

So I have been reading all the posts and waiting for something exciting to happen me that I could post about.

I am still waiting for something exciting to happen, but am tired of not posting anything.

Our family now includes 3 kids and a dog. For the past year I have been thinking, if I can just make it through the next week, then I will find some time to get organized and on top of things and our lives will be less insane.

This week I had a moment of clarity.

I realised that maybe this is the way my life is going to be for the next few years and I should just relax and accept that. I must admit, my level of stress about everything has dropped a few notches now that my expectations of ever "getting it together" have been vaporized.

I have this idea that there are some people out there who have it together. I am probably wrong. If you actually are one of those people who do have it all together, please keep that information to yourself. I don't need to know.

Love to all of you out there reading.



  1. Hey Mary,

    You are asking if there are people who have their lives together? Mine isn't a life that could be described as being "together", but I am having a life -- which may be about as much fun as having a life that is together.

    I have been up emailing since 4 a.m., the best sign that I don't have it all together, since I am leaving all of that paper work behind me on the table and enjoying the blogging, instead.


  2. You could tell us all about your trip to the UK and post pictures. That was exciting!


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