Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Of Creatures and Candy

I thought you might enjoy seeing the six creatures that went trick or treating in Montreal with us this Halloween. The wizard, ladybug, dragon, jester, rainbow, and unicorn had a great time. The candy has all but disappeared.
FYI - My children announced to me on Halloween night that 9/10 parents steal candy from their children's Halloween stash. I confess to being part of the majority.


  1. Hello,

    I miss Halloween. I have to buy my own candy now. I don't get to stand-by and take off of my kids hands, all of the good stuff that I know they won't want to eat.

    Grandmother Arta

  2. I love the costumes! What fun to go trick-or-treating with your cousins!

    I thought the whole reason we sent kids out was to get candy for us? I made Dalton go back out and do more trick-or-treating, as he was only out for 1/2 hour, and had not collected enought candy for me.

  3. Yes, I take my kids candy. Unlike Arta, I don't take the candy I think they won't like -- I take the candy I like the most.

    Who am I kidding. I take the stuff I like and they stuff they don't like. Except the gum. I have never been agum person.

    Richard -- is your love affair with gum still on-going? We always want the thing we can't have, right?


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