Friday, February 4, 2011

Gyroscopes and other toys

Keeping a gyroscope going for 12 seconds
Xavier can keep his gyroscope going for 12 seconds.

I was down on the floor, checking that he could perform this feat in the presence of other people.

He was right.  He is good at it.

While he was practising some more I was getting out my camera.

That made him think I would want to see his newt.

"Whoops, I think it is lost," he said, his hand swirling in the water of the fish tank ... in the room in which I sleep.

An involuntary shudder moved over my body.

Flame's underbelly
"Yikes.  Lost newt," I thought. 

"I wish the tank weren't in the room where I sleep.  How far can a newt travel before it is captured?"

"Do you want to know why I call it Flame, Grandma."

Yes.  I wanted to know.
Twisting it over, he showed me the underside of its belly.

My brother's newt, Flame

Soon all the children were in the room, getting into the act.

Afterall, how often does one get a chance to get a picture with their brother's newt?


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