Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Cherry flavoured Valentine Cookies
When we got home from work and bead-stringing last night, the children had made two kinds of cookie dough to be rolled:  cherry and strawberry.

Mary took out her Tupperware pie dough rolling mat and had three children at the counter, all vying to be the one who picked the first colour of dough to roll, to use the rolling pin for the first time, or to be the one who got to eat the scraps.

Actually the tears over the scraps were about not eating them, which two of the children got to do.

"Why should others be getting treats and I don't get one, just because I don't like cookie dough," wailed Naomi.
We had all of the usual problems around making cookies.

In our desire to bring happiness into every child's life, Mary forgot one pan of cookies in the oven, so that accounts for the burned batch.

strawberry flavoured cookie letters
We finally had to separate the kids into different rooms on our Happy Family Home Evening Night, Naomi coming with me to the front room to practise sewing.  I was using some dental floss to whip stitch the cloth of a broken laundry basket back onto its wire frame.

At the end of the evening, as I was mopping up I heard myself asking aloud, "Why are there large streaks of red across tthe kitchen floor?"

"We had trouble getting the food colouring into the bowl, Grandma."

Stupid question.

Good answer.


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