Sunday, November 16, 2014

Things Our Family Does Differently

A few months ago we came to the conclusion that it was going to be hard for some of the younger children and the teen-agers, even, in our family to post on a public blog.

In an initiative to find a less public space, we started a small blog, just for them and for their aunts and uncles.

Every month Catherine Jarvis posts a question to the group of us, and then anyone who wants can respond to the question.

Her first question was "What did you want to be when you grew up."

That question produced a flurry of answers,  None of my grandchildren would have known I wanted to be a spy.

Nor that Mary wanted to own a pet store -- though she didn't put that up on the blog.  I just remember it from the past.

The question the next month was, "What does your family do that is different than other families?

I thought I would bring one of the posts that answer that question, from that quieter blog, out to this one.  After all, it has to do with Christmas and that splendid time of year is beginning to be on people's minds.

Here is what Rebecca wrote as an answer to the question, "What does your family do that is different than other families?".

Christmas Gift for Alex when he was a baby
This hung on his wall for many years.
Our family did things differently.

Our family sang together.

And we grew up with a song my dad invented and would sing to us:  the Ballad of Billy Goat Gruff.

He would change up the lyrics from time to time, but we all could sing along with the chorus of Billy, "who lived on the hill where there wasn't enuff green grass for gramps, dad, or billy goat gruff"

For Alex's first Christmas, my brothers and sisters got together and made this gift.

Everyone made up a different verse, and Mary and Leo illustrated and framed it.  It hangs on the wall of our house.

Here are some more closeups so you can see the wonderful lyrics!

Enjoy.  It won't take much reading to see that we could all use some good help writing limericks.

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