Thursday, February 25, 2016

Inazo Nitobe Memorial Garden

....running water and tall grassses ...
Rebecca and I went to her friend’s house today to deliver some Gravol to her.

Laurie was sicker than Rebecca had imagined so Rebecca bundled her up and took her to the hospital.

Thinking it was better for me to be walking than sitting in the waiting room I enjoyed the warm sun on my face and a stroll around the hospital sidewalks.

As I turned one of the corners I ran into the charming Inazo Nitobe Memorial Garden, a collaboration between a Japanese and a Victoria architect of the most charming kind.
Earlier Rebecca and I had stopped by Save-On Foods and I had lingered in the cut flowers section, breathing deeply in and out until I was afraid I might hyper-ventilate on the smell.

The same thing was true of me in this garden since so many of the spring blossoms are out.

Add to that smell, which I only know at that level if I walk into a florists shopw, the sound of the water flowing over the rocks and the beautiful colours.

I could only be disappointed when Rebecca came out to say it was time for us to return home.

There are better pictures on the internet of these gardens than mine – but the ones shown here are mine -- capturing the memory of a lovely walk.


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