Friday, December 1, 2017

Edible Slime

 ... edible slim stretches from the right hand to the left ...
Hebe has been watching utube videos, one of which is a 12 year old showing how to make edible slime.

The recipe involved vegetable shortening and gummy bears.

Yesterday when we were at Provigo, Catherine slipped 3 plastic containers full of gummy bears into the shopping cart.

Hebe spent the night sorting them by colour: red, blue, green and yellow.

... this stuff swings back and forth ...
Tonight the moment of reckoning occurred.

Catherine had to put the orange gummy bears into the microwave.

They came out a jellied mess/mass into which some vegetable shortening was added.

Next, the instructions were not that clear.

 ... the mess on my hands?   uncontrollable ...
Either one’s hands could be dusted with corn flour or the cooling ingredients could just be taken and rolled between the palms of one’s hands until they were a sphere.

... i can suck it like spaghetti ...
Hebe was not sure that corn flour was cornstarch, the only ingredient we had.

Given her insecurity about using that, both Hebe and Catherine began to roll the edible slime.

I took a taste – there was a distinct burning in the back of my throat as the orange flavouring reached the back of my mouth.

Catie just said no to trying the slime and she hid her heads in her university papers.

... help me get this off of my hand ...
Catherine and Hebe were wildly into the experiment – Catherine because she had been nagged for days to make this happen; Hebe because it was the fulfillment of a wish created by a u-tuber from Australia.

Hard to know who will influence our lives next.



  1. I forgot to tell you, but maybe you can see from the pictures, edible slime is the first product I have seen that will give you webbed fingers and on both hands. It seeps into the cracks between one's fingers and then when you open and shut them, behold, they are webbed. A thin film is everyone and it closes over when you take some of it off, for it is running from everywhere onto the place you have cleaned off.

    Can you remember when Hebe got up at 3 am because some post on the internet told her that 3 am is the time when a ouija board works best? Well that was imaginary.

    But edible slime is real. And creepy. And edible ... if you have a wide tolerance for what is digestible.


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