Monday, June 14, 2021

Things I Love About Arta: #71 - #80


We have just spoken for the last time. Thank you for making space and time for me. You always have and I love you for it. As we spoke we reminded ourselves of the rich lives we lead and the times we dropped what we were doing to head out into the world to experience it. We have had many rollicking adventures together. Memories I cherish dearly.


We just talked about the time when you would call me and tell me to be ready in 20 minutes because someone had given you free tickets to something and you knew I would go. That is what 7's do.  So glad you thought of me and we enjoyed these times together. 


When we went out to Shuswap in the winter with skies and snowshoes and walked on the frozen lake. You just said we should not have done that as it was dangerous. When I see those pictures I am reminded of the fun we had together and our adventurous spirits. 


At the age of 20 when you took me and a few other cousins and sisters to a Regional Relief Society meeting and the man at the front asked if any of the audience members had questions. You raised your hand immediately and began talking. You appeared to want less space between yourself and the speaker so you stood up and began to walk to the front of the room, sharing your thoughts about the men in the LDS church not listening to the women. You shared hat women needed more support, information and choices within the organization. You were magnificent. I will always remember your ability to point out the status quo, how it is harmful, and how it could change. While the man at the front listened, only a little change has occurred. What has changed are the women and men with whom you have shared your ideas. Your bravery and intelligent words were sealed in my memory and have reminded me to stand up and speak truth to power when I can. 


If you can't go to London and New York, go to the shows that are broadcast in the theatres instead. The close-ups are amazing and the interviews with the actors, directors, and musicians during the interval are sublime. We have seen many wonderful opera, plays, and even a ballet or two even though you aren't a ballet fan. I will pause and think of you while in the theatre when these performances return. 


See the events, people, and experiences in our rich and wonderful lives. Enjoy them. Be grateful for them. They make us more rich than money.


When life gives you rotten fruit, make ice slushes with them. The Bates kids often discuss the banana slush frozen in 4 litre buckets that would come out of the freezer when we visited the Johnson's. We know now that life was not easy but all of you were willing to share what you had. Thank you for the banana slushes.


Make chocolates. Use the Mormon women's recipes. It is a serious endeavour. Do it correctly. The rewards are delicious!


Get dressed up. Even if you are just going to Winners or Canadian Tire with Wyona. Put on your beautiful clothes, do your hair, put on your jewels and enjoy the time with each other. Maybe even try a little lipstick.


Open you home up to people from around the world. I have such amazing memories of spending time with all the international graduate students who lived in your home. We spent house around your large kitchen table discussing life, sharing stories, teaching each other about cultures, eating, laughing, and taking pause. Spend time with people from other places on the planet and have them in your home. Your life will be more interesting and richer. 


Love people. Love life. Love experiences. Love knowledge. Love Shuswap. Love books. Love nature. 

Your voice will be in my head. You goodness will be in my heart. Your words of kindness will remind me to be kind to myself and others. Your thirst for knowledge will guide my love of learning. Your love of Shuswap will help me feel your presence in the wind, the rain, when a bird sings, and as we splash with loved ones in the water. 

You are one of my favourite people.

I will miss you so very much.

When I miss you the most I will read our emails and this treasured blog. 

Thank you for your love and legacy.

I love you. 

- Tonia


  1. Tonia, thank you for capturing in words, images, and actions 80 things we love about Arta,for sharing them on the blog, and for including me on that journey.

  2. Thank you Bonnie! It was a gesture to ensure that Arta knew how important she is to me. Thank you for reading my words. I love you too Bonnie!

    1. I hope I get to travel with you someday Tonia.

  3. So many memories to remember!
    So many beautiful memories of Arta planted in our lives.

  4. Oh that table and all the wonderful conversations around it!

  5. Oh that table and all the wonderful conversations around it!

  6. Thank you Tonia. It is hard to capture all the tender memories we each have of Arta. Thank you for sharing these tender memories. May these 80 memories honour Arta in the place and in way she loved-- words on her blog.


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