Sunday, June 13, 2021

Things We Love About Arta: #62 - #70


Teaching me and so many other to be activists in our own ways. To take the time and energy to care for the people around us and mobilize groups to create equality and support people's choices.


Really connect with people. Ask them detailed questions about their lives and then listen. Intently. Ask more questions to truly learn about that person, their lives, motivations, loves, and choices. Ask and listen.


You may not practice you religion for various reasons, but there are parts of you that will always be connected. It is part of your fabric. It is part of your culture. 


Some of your family members may choose to be selfish, self serving and even vile. Rise above them. Live your life. Love the people who choose kindness, friendship, and contribute to your life in healthy positive ways.


When you discover feminism you will proceed through stages. Stages that are similar to the stages of loss and grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. You may bounce back and forth between these as you have lost the ideas and feelings you had about the world around you. Now you shift to a new reality, one where you see inequality in so many places. You decide experience by experience what you may or may not do about this inequality. 


Go to all the lectures, especially on university and college campuses. Don't just go to class as you miss so many learning opportunities. Scan the bulletin boards for interesting events. Go to them. Learn about the world from them. Go to all the lectures and events you possibly can. Remember all the events Arta posted for years all over the walls in her kitchen. A veritable plethora of wonderful events. Go to them...even if you fall asleep.


 Take care of your body. Arta was the first person I know who did yoga. I remember asking her what she was doing one day while she was in a standing pose, and she shared with me her new yoga, stretching exercises. Thirty years later, so many yoga people everywhere.


Eat your vegetables and have oranges for dessert. :) 


Do your best and be yourself, in as much as you can do. 

1 comment:

  1. I love it that Arta taught you all the things that your Mother forgot to teach you.


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