Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Bridge

The best balcony view -- knowing that ...
someone is standing on the bridge.
Wyona continues to search for world harbours she has yet to visit.

She is booking into 2013, and lucky me, if I say yes, I get to go along with Greg and her.

I know that three days in Venice are coming up in the fall, before we get on a boat -- so my spare time is spent thinking about books to look at, maps to study, museums to think about before the fall comes and I get to see in person, what I have only looked at in the coloured pages of travel books.

I am not without a bit of hesitation, as I noticed when looking at some of my pictures from the last cruise. I went out to take a picture of the bridge, since I could see it clearly from our balcony. it is always reassuring to know that someone is standing on the bridge, watching where we are going!


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