Monday, November 13, 2017

Tim's Band at the National Music Centre

This is Tim Oldham's Band at the National Music Centre in Calgary ... and other selected pictures from a fabulous event ...

looking down on the band from the top
 ...Audra in the sound booth with her cousins ...
Zoe at My Regrub
... dancing ...
Sound Booth
... Theresa on drums ...
 ... Regrub Restaurant before the first bite ...
Audra with Fred Penner

Tim said they painted the collapsible wall behind them
 the night before so they  couldn’t open it and play in the music hall. 
They crowded onto the balcony.


  1. I love the pis as well. Further, I wondered if I should get in there and identify some things that are obvious in the pictures. Like ... should I really say "hamburger" or "Zoe" or "Wyona and Tonia dancing". No. I think the whole thing speaks for its self.

    Marcia was the photo taker. I have no idea why there are none of Zack or Gabe! Or even Art!

    Maybe we will see pics of them at the next family party.

  2. The guys weren’t with us, they had a church youth activity. I do love taking photos but I am not a photographer. I take 60 photos and 6 work out, I play the odds. I just talked to Wyona, she says other parts of her body hurt now and she was headed out to do some errands. There is no stopping her.

  3. Thanks for the six perfect pictures. That is all I get out of 60 shots as well. And then it is hard to get someone to say that you can use their picture on the blog. All of this consent stuff is good for people who don't want to see their pictures there.

    I examined your shots, seeing Zoe in the picture where Tonia and Wyona are dancing. The shot with Audra and Fred Penner is perfect. And the angles in the Music Centre brought back memories of my own visit there. I took Michael down there on Canada Day for it was free. So those pictures were like a trip through memory lane. Thanks, Marcia.

    Re old people taking good falls, it is hard for both Wyona and me to consider that a fall might be a good reason for a trip to the emergency room. I think we would either have to be knocked out, or have a bone sticking out of an arm or leg to make us think we were really hurt. Well, hard to change those attitudes!


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