Tuesday, October 3, 2017


... hornets swarming  in a hive ...
As I walk I try to be mindful of what is around me:  the trees that are blocking the sun, the moist air that fills my lungs, the patterns of the shadows on the road, the rocks that I bend down to pick up and then throw off of the grass or the road.

I was surprised to see that one of the larger rocks that line my path had been moved.

I know that rock for I pushed it to the end of my iris patch.

I couldn't figure out who would have done that until I saw a hive deep in the ground, now covered with swarms of hornets.

... the rock that the bear swatted away ...
I stopped to take a picture, getting close, but not too close.

My best guess is that a bear preparing for winter took a swat at the rock.

I have been thinking about bears as I walk.

I upgraded from the bell Glen gave me to  Wyona's large brass bell that could be swung to call children in from recess.

The louder bell is working for I haven't seen a bear yet.



  1. I am working hard at not making assumptions. I thought it might be a beehive under the rock and that the bear was through with the hive and now the wasps were feasting on it. But not knowing much about either bees or wasps, I just enjoyed the moment and then walked on.


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