Saturday, May 11, 2019

Long Shot – The Movie

I tried to be careful about how I used with this beautiful May day, filling it with as many amazing events as possible. 

Since I had finished watching the opera and wanted to view something a little lighter, I re-entered the movie theatre and watched Long Shot (2019), a fabulous satire about a man who reunites with his first crush, one of the most influential women in the world. 

There were lots of times when I laughed out loud – I guess this was my kind of dark humour. Charlize Theron is beautiful as Charolotte Field and Seth Rogen was fabulous as Fred Flarksy. 

When I came home I went to IMDB and watched the trailer there.

In two minutes, you get just about all of the movie! 

Still it was fun and as usual, I stayed until all of the credits were one. The musical team had an amazing sound track. 

 And yes, no one stays to watch the credits. 

No one but me.

 I was the last one out of the theatre.



  1. Joaquim and David watched the trailer with me. The hook I used was that it begins with an image of the US Capital building.

  2. OK. That made me laugh outloud. Yes, the US Capital building as a hook. Nice work. I hope the movie is rated R. There are a couple of scenes a little too explicit for David. Maybe even for me.


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