Wednesday, May 22, 2019

My Clematis

When I arrived in Annis Bay I looked at my clematis which was full of leaves and vines.

Glen pointed out to me that it was ready to bloom.

The buds were tight on the vines but they needed some sun to burst out.

The sun has come.

Yesterday there were a few flowers.

Today my clematis is covered with faintly purple tinged blooms, a mass of them.

When I stepped out onto my porch at 5:30 am, an ungodly hour, but still I was dressed and ready to go to work on the garden beds, I was taken back with the sudden beauty of the lowers against the green leaves.

That single plant cutting that Glen gave me years ago is clinging to some iron.

The soil above the ground of the clematis are covered with stones to keep the roots cool.

That is all the tending it needs.



  1. I have taken many photos of that vine for you, wishing you were there in early spring to catch its first blossom. Now you are the one capturing it for others. The close up almost looks like its origami with the folds at the tips of the leaves not fully opened yet. Stunning!

  2. My clematis is just barely sprouting it's first few leaves of the season. Looks like we're a good 6-8 weeks behind you on spring.

  3. That same clematis is a profusion of flowers now. I can hardly see the leaves for the flowers. You know those moments when you just want time to stop and hold everything as it is? Well two things are happening at the lake now. The smell of the lilac is so profuse. I have heard Dave Wood go close to the bush and say this is the smell of Spring. Glen probably has 6 lilac trees on the east corner of his lot. We ate by them last night. The smell of roast chicken and lilac trees. Yum!


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