Tuesday, June 25, 2019

A Salmon Arm Holiday, Part II

Sometimes the best holiday is one at home. That is what happened with the holiday to Bonnie’s house. We ate breakfast in the living room which looks out onto what seems to be a large forest of tall trees. It is really a farmer’s field to the north of her and some day it will be sold and full of house. But for now, we could sit and look at a beautiful copse of trees.

Everybody look to the left.

Everybody look to the right.
Hard to choose a view.
Beauty in all directions.
Fly Hills.
In the evening we ate our food on her back balcony. From there we can see Mt. Ida, slowly being reforested after the fire of 2 years ago. And then a bit to the right is a long view of the low lying Fly Hills, beautiful in themselves. I wanted to take the colour green and play with it in oils or acrylics – just an artist’s urge to see if I could mix colours in the same hue that I could see from that vantage point looking south.

And then watching the clouds? Wyona's is always looking at them -- trying to figure out how to paint them.  Now I am seeing them with renewed interest, also wondering how she is going to paint them.

Cauliflower never tasted so good!
Bonnie requested Indian food for the weekend, and someone to eat it with. So we sat together at every meal, either eating ethnic food, or talking about which ingredients to buy so that we could eat Indian food at the next meal. We ended up with tandoori chicken, a basic dhal, a chick pea dhal, some Indian cauliflower (the chopped peanuts in the sauce were spectacular), and a cumin/green pea/rice dish, besides just regular rice (oh and a pot of cocoanut rice as well).

Plus, we got out a Creative Indian Cookbook and found written on the first page, a list of recipes we made for Steve in the past when he was needing to eat in a certain way, though now can’t even remember what it was that was being restricted.  Every recipe looked so good.  Our holiday isn't over.



  1. Thank you for adding the pictures, Bonnie. I looked at the text and it seemed familiar but I didn't remember putting up those pics.

    That is because I didn't do it.

    You caught on film what I couldn't capture with words. Thank you.

    1. I just matched pictures to your words. I love your writing.

  2. I think I quit writing before I finished telling what we packed into a three day holiday. Perhaps the most memorable moment was going to sleep while you were still practising. I woke with a start on hearing some rhythmic inconsistency, demonstrated the corrected version and then dropped back to sleep. That is really being attentive.


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