Monday, June 3, 2019

Woman at War Movie

Ria and I thought we would be early for the 5:30 pm movie. 

The film started at 5.   We were 15 minutes late.

 “You get in free,” the ticket taker called out as he was sweeping up popcorn in the foyer." “Free, but you came too late for the complimentary ice-cream. 

 Well, I will have to watch for that next time. 

The movie was Woman at War (2018) Benedickt Erlingsson.

I had read a review that said“Nordic countries have a knack for this kind of film – quirky, darkly comedic, slightly surreal, but with underlying serious meaning, and it seems that knack extends to Iceland.”

In a couple of respects, this was true. A band keeps popping playing non-diegetic music (sound that is not said or heard by the characters ). I hear this all of the time in movies and so do you and it seems naturall to hear extra sounds like music swelling when there is  trouble around, etc.  But it is not natural to see the whole band on the film playing the music. I don’t go to the movies often when there is an “on-screen” reminder saying something like “hey wait, this is just a movie”. So the whole movie was a lot of fun in that respect.

As well, if there had been no sound, this movie would have been a smash hit for me.  The cinematography of Iceland was spell-binding.

Bonnie met us at the movie.

She was five minutes later than we were, so no ice cream for her, either.

Still, free though.

She invited us home afterward to see her new guitar – a beauty, purchased 3 days ago when she was in Kelowna.

She gave us her first concert. She has been practising all winter with an online-teacher (Bonnie, in the comments put in his name, for that will make people laugh)  and she is pretty good.

Pretty good to me means anyone who can pick up a guitar and go from chord I to IV, to V and then home. And if the person can sing along that is even better. Bonnie threw in some different picking styles which makes me think she is already at the intermediate guitar-playing level. Tonight she was playing "Freight Train" and now I have the melody in my head and can’t get it out. I went to hear Pete Seeger sing it on UTube and I was working on the falling melody for the 3rd and 4th lines which says “Please don’t say which train I’m on so / They won’t know which route I’ve gone”.   I had to do multiple playings to really hear where the melody went in those last 2 lines.   Now it is in my head and I can't get it out.

Bonnie says it is a good song for children who are about four years old and want to run away from home.


 Children want to run away from home?

I only thought it was me who got that idea occasionally.


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