Monday, June 24, 2019

Strawberry Jam

Strawberry Jam
Arta came and stayed at our house for five days. She made some jam with fresh strawberries from Moiya and Dave's garden. We had 5 jars when she left Sunday night. It hasn't even been 24 hours and we have only 2 and one-half jars left.

The jam is delicious on toast.
It's even better on ice cream.



  1. David? Your post about the jam made me laugh. Bonnie sent me home with one of the jars. I opened it at 10 pm and just had a taste of it on a spoon. Oh wow! No wonder yours is going so fast. Moiya's strawberries made the most delicious jam ever. I agree with you. The jam is going fast.

  2. Hey! How about all of that good Indian food I made when I was at your house. Doesn't that count for something? And the rhubarb crisp with 33% butterfat cream poured over it. We had five days of pure bliss with a big end of school party with your friends to boot! Life is good on 20th Avenue.

    1. Last night I was having Dahl over the rice and David asked, "What are you eating? It smalls so good."

  3. The only thing better than strawberry jam is raspberry jam.

  4. I agree with you, since raspberries also have a certain tart flavour as well as the sweetness. Last night Moiya walked by my raspberry bushes and found a ripe berry, the first of the season. I wonder how many quarts of jam I can get from those bushes. I don't eat jam much anymore. In fact, I am almost to the "not al all" stage. Thus I have eliminated all commercial jams. But there is still the charm of the home made jam that lets me remember how to rank them as to delight.


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