Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Red Leaves

... red leaves are scattered on the ground ...
I am still amazed at the colour on the trees and at the size of the leaves that have fallen to the the ground.

I see people out with their leaf blowers and I noticed that Canadian Tire devoted one page of its flyers to giving sale prices on different models.

I thought back to Alberta where it is more fashionable to buy snow blowers, something that no Victorian would ever do.

... the students walk around campus with only light coats on...
Tonight Duncan’s homework for his film and history class was to watch one of the iconic films about Viet Nam.

He choose Platoon (1986). Steve, Rebecca and I joined him – they having seen it 35 years ago and I was a first time viewer.

Duncan hopes that the next film he has to watch will be somewhat lighter.

... we are the outskirts of the law school ...
Since he has to watch Hidden Figures tomorrow night, he will get his wish, for there are some charming parts to that film – though the racism it reveals is pretty painful.

Rebecca wanted a game of Lost Cities when the film as finished.

She likes games: Lost Cities, Splendor, Azul and Lords of Water Deep.

I give up.
It is easier to carry my books and computeer
in a carry on bag that I can roll instead
of the back pack on my back.
She finds relaxation in the repetition and competition of games.

I would rather loose myself in a good book which I deem as anti-social when those around want to play games.

I have probably played more game in the month I have been here, than I have played in my life.

... we are about to work for five hours and not even speak to each other ..
I thought I did well on my walking today, having done 14,000 feet.

Rebecca said to me, you may have beat Steve today.

But no, she asked him how far he had gone when he came in from work and he had done 16,000 steps.

Doesn't this leaf cover just scream for someone to run through it?
Not that there is a competition going on, but it would be fun for me to be the front runner.

I did see something on my walk that I have never seen before.

Somehow a hawk or another animal had caught a rabbit and eaten it, leaving the two little rabbit legs there on the ground and they were attached to the curved spine of the rabbit and the ribs were there as well.  Just the meat was picked off.

I have no idea why I felt I had to describe that -- I guess I just should be glad that I didn't take a picture of it.  It felt like some kind of foreshadowing in a movie.


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