Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Congregation of Crows

Find a flat place for folding
"Are you fibbing," Leo asked Xavier, when he told his father he was able to build the orgami birds in his head, now.

Xavier was telling the truth.  He is good at folding.

Before church he had a flock of them made.

When he came home from church there were even more of them added to his collection.

He built a landing pad and we played airplanes tonight -- the task being to have the bird land on the green grass in front of us.

That one is flying pretty high!
While we played the game, Naomi was busy making a St. Patrick's Day treasure hunt for us, complelte with clues:

1. Go to somewhere the food is kept cold.
     Answer: The fridge

2. Go to the place where Griffin eats his food
     Answer: Anywhere in the house.
                  She had by the back door in mind.

The evening ending with ... yum ... more candy.

Happy belated St. Patricks Day to all.


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