Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Word Game

Fudge can be found on bottom right-hand corner of table
This is what we look like if Catherine and Eric are off at a funeral and we are having our after-school snack.

Part of Tom’s treat includes the fudge in his right hand and the telephone in his left hand.

Catie knew she had to get to her math, specifically, all of the questions on area but a roll of fudge is placed within reaching distance of her left hand.

Rebecca is quiet – just gets her papers laid out on the table and gets to them.  You can see how tall she is if you imagine those feet under the table, untwisted and her standing up on them.

This house is highly organized. It has to be, for 3 people have to get in one hour of practising each – so the time is divided up and treasured, since the competition for piano practising time is high.

For two nights in a row we have played the Word Game – though I am not sure that is the correct title for the game that we do. Words (written on scraps of paper by all of us) are tossed into a bucket, teams are formed, and a player draws words out of that bucket.

He/she tries to get  team mates to say as many of the words as he can give clues for in the time allotted: one minute. The three hard words of the day were cleanliness, forget-me-not, and dell. Crucifix was another hard word, but Catherine made her way to the end of that word before one minute was up.

Apparently no one here got to sing Farmer in the Dell when they were young, for when I sang the song, and left out the word “dell”, they couldn’t fill it in.

We had more snacks -- caramels after dinner, chips before the game and rainbow popsycles during the game. 

Yum to sugar time.


1 comment:

  1. Hope there is some fudge left for me when we arrive tonight. Don't know if my kids will like it, but I am sure I will.

    Can't wait to get there.


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