Friday, April 4, 2014

My Best House

From David:

... my best house ...

I drew this at Kids Club. 

If you look closely you will find

- Barnaby my wolf
- an indoor ice rink
- Obsidian storage on the attic
- my bedroom with a furnace in it and a storage chest
- an indoor grassy area below an indoor pool
- a water slide that leads to an underground cave
- a large squid with blue tentacles outside the house by a tree
- lots of bunk beds for guests
- a lava room

It is the best house I have ever drawn.



  1. David! This is a fabulous house! i would like to paint my house to look like that!

  2. and i really want a squid too! Actually, i ATE some squid this week. it was bright red, and cooked in a black sauce made from squid ink. it was yummy!

  3. You should frame that along with Gaugin.


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