Thursday, January 2, 2014

Lunch with the Johnson's - Part III

"I played that game a lot when I was young."

We played the quarter game for a while.

Why is it called the quarter game.

When we were young, it was best played with a fifty-cent piece. Now to get a good weight on the con, I find a townie. We dividied ourselves into teams, one team on either side of the arbourite table. I gave Meighan, the youngest player, one free chance – one practise to see if she could slap her hands down on the table and keep the coin hidden. She did an excellent first try, so we let the games begin.
"Alice and I will sit this one out."

As you know, the game becomes more complicated as the team leaders discovered way to trick the other side out of their coin.

Our side were sure that Kelvin had the coin in his left hand. We heard it go down. So we turned out heads to the other players focussing on getting them to lift their hands. When we got to Kelvin we were wrong. It was in his right hand. “Does it count as cheating if he slipped it from his left hand to his right hand, for I said him do that,” asked Pouria when the round was over. That is a piece of information we needed before we had awarded the other team their points.


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