Sunday, July 5, 2015


In the top 20 list of things to visit in Paris is cemetiere Pere lachaise. Kind of a weird suggestion, but curiosity got the best of us. There are nearly 800 000 people buried here with a crazy list of famous folk: Chopin, Oscar Wilde, Edith Piaf, Morrison, Seurat, Moglidiani, etc We took a tour.

You never know what you'll find in a graveyard.

1. Evidence of a superheroes death.

2 Evidence of love. Those are lipstick kisses covering the grave of Oscar Wilde

3. Unfinished business. A few notes to the dead

4. A good book. Some light reading at night for those stuck in the cemetery after closing hours and finally

5. a few snacks. I could never figure out what was in these bottles but this person must have loved it because mourners had left not one but 3 bottles of it.

Would recommend a visit here to anyone traveling to paris. Fascinating.

... evidence of a superheroes death ...
... notes for the dead ...
 '' ... a good book to read ...
... a few snacks ...
... lipstick kisses ...

Honouring Arta's 75th: Third Quarter Quell, Day 52

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