Sunday, September 8, 2019

Checking in on Doral

I keep checking in on Doral about his health concerns, which are largely centred around sarcoidosis. He had what I thought was going to be the final appointment with his doctor before they start treatment of some kind. But when I called Doral tonight, he told me that the dr wants 4 more tests and Doral has a new date to go see the doctor later this month. The tests are an EEG, a breathing capacity test, some blood work and I can’t remember the fourth. But I do remember Doral saying, if these tests are inconclusive the two of them will wait another month and see how much healing his body can do on its own before starting a regime of something like steroids.

I am learning that in the case of Doral’s health, one appointment leads to another. One specialist wants to check with another so that no wrong diagnosis happens. I congratulated Doral on doing what many middle aged folks can’t do and that is – talk to their doctors and then follow the advice they give. Doral says it is easy once the system picks you up and carries you along. If you go to the appointments there will always be another set of tests to be done.  At least so far in his case.



  1. I was reading in the news that the nasal spray flu vaccine won't be available this year. It was a good reminder for me to be watching for flu vaccine clinics. I have lots of gratitude for medical science today.

  2. I had forgotten that it is just about flu vaccine time. Didn't that happen just a few months ago? I will be ready when it comes. Anything on my side that I can do to extend a happy life, I will do.


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